Mr. Feblowitz joined IBM Research in 2003, after almost 20 years in applied AI research at GTE Laboratories and 3 years in the small research group of a tech startup. Since joining IBM Research, he has contributed as co-inventor of what is now the IBM Streams product, a platform for scalable on-the-fly analysis of high volume streams of data-in-motion. He is a co-inventor of MARIO, a planner-based automated assembler of flow-based analytic applications - including Streams applications. His current work is with the research team developing the IBM Scenario Planning Advisor (SPA), a future states projection capability, and is currently focusing on the automated extraction of causal models.
He has worked in applied research for all of his 35+ year career. His research interests are in semantic technologies, knowledge representation and reasoning, stream computing, and automated assembly of software applications, planner-based scenario projection, and automated extraction of causal knowledge. He previosly worked in applied research at Frictionless Commerce and GTE Laboratories.
Mr. Feblowitz received the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer and Communication Sciences from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1980 and Master of Software Engineering from The Wang Institute of Graduate Studies, Tyngsborough, Massachusetts in 1987, where he graduated with honors from the first acredited degree-granting Software Engineering Masters program in the US.
Knowledge, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Programming Languages & Software Engineering, Reasoning