Project Description
Scientific exploration and discovery is the newest use case for the Situations Room Infrastructure. The room both learns from and works with experts to transform the decision-making process from an open-loop to a closed-loop with feedback from experts in the room. The first scenario focuses on a group collaboration framework to improve the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer using a human in the loop architecture. It will be demonstrated through medical image informatics and interactive machine learning with human-in-the-loop as a better alternative. Preliminary results show that using a framework in the form of a cognitive room is better for multifaceted tasks like these.

Hui Su
Project Director | Founding Director, CISL
Human Computer Interaction, Cognitive User Experience, Visual Analytics, Cloud Computing, Neural Networks
Research Staff

david allen
User Experience & Visualization Design |
Research Associate
Computational Design, Visualization, Natural Interfaces, Live Performance

Samuel Chabot
Sonification |
Ph.D. Candidate, Architectural Acoustics
Spatial data sonification