Dr. Oktie Hassanzadeh is a Research Staff Member at IBM Research, with expertise in designing and building large-scale information and knowledge management systems, as well as leading academic and industrial research projects. He is the recipient of several academic and corporate awards, including a top prize at the prestigious Semantic Web Challenge at ISWC 2017 and two best-paper awards at ESWC 2018 and ESWC 2016 conferences. He has received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto, where he received the IBM PhD fellowship and the Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges awards. He is also a two-time recipient of the first prize at the Triplification Challenge at the SEMANTiCS Conference for his projects in the areas of Semantic Technologies and Linked Data.
For more information, refer to his home page: http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/person/us-hassanzadeh
I am a graduate of the University of Toronto (M.Sc., Ph.D.) and Sharif University of Technology (B.Sc.).
Health Informatics, Knowledge, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining